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Tap into the growing audience at BHMSTR with our highly visible ad placements and expertly-written sponsored content.

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Promoting or producing an event? BHMSTR has you covered with an array of sponsored content. Generated by our skilled and experienced editorial and design teams, this content puts you front and center on Birmingham’s newest arts and entertainment site. Take advantage of our introductory 50% discount now and contact us to book your sponsored content.


Get the word out, BHMSTR style.

Let Birmingham know about your upcoming event with an entertaining and informative BHMSTR preview. Each preview is 300-500 words in length, and comes with up to one piece of original art or three pieces of original photography, two social media posts on all of the BHMSTR networks (one at the time of publishing and one on the day of the event) and written by the BHMSTR editorial staff.

$450 $225

300-500 Words
Original Art/Photo
2 Social Media Posts

Live Event

You strut your stuff, we shout it out.

A BHMSTR writer and photographer will attend your event and produce 3-5 social posts and 3-5 photos, which will be posted during or immediately after the event on all of the BHMSTR networks. Following the event, BHMSTR will publish a brief 200-300 word wrap-up story about it.

$550 $275

200-300 Words
Original Photos
3-5 Social Media Posts

Preview &
Live Event

All of the things.

Oh, so you want an event preview and live event coverage? Well, that’s just fine and dandy! We’ve created a combo package that gives you a price break if you get both. To recap, that’s a 300-500 word BHMSTR preview with original art and promo social posts plus 3-5 social posts with original photos from the live event with a wrap-up story on BHMSTR of 200-300 words.

$900 $450

Event Preview, Art & Social
Live Coverage, Art & Social
Post-Event Wrap-up

Let’s tell your story.